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Luck is Where Opportunity Meets Preparation: How Hard Work Creates Success

We often think of luck as something that just happens—a stroke of good fortune that lands in our lap out of nowhere. But what if luck isn’t really about random chance? What if luck is something you can actually create? The saying "Luck is where opportunity meets preparation" suggests that what looks like luck is often the result of being ready when the right moment comes along.

A man reading about a man on the cover of forbes magazine - luck or hardwork?
Ever noticed how some people seem more lucky?

Think about it: Have you ever noticed that the people who seem "lucky" are also the ones who put in the hard work beforehand? They’re the ones who are prepared, who’ve honed their skills, and who recognize opportunities when they appear. Leaders in all kinds of fields—like business, marketing, and technology—agree that preparation plays a huge role in what we call luck.

In this article, we’ll break down how you can make your own luck by being prepared and ready to seize opportunities. We’ll share real stories and advice from successful people who understand that the secret to luck isn’t magic — it’s about preparation and continuous learning.

Why Preparation is Key to Success

Success isn’t something that just happens; it’s earned through hard work, perseverance, and being ready when opportunities arise. The saying "Luck is where opportunity meets preparation" encapsulates this idea. When you’ve put in the time and effort, what others might see as luck is often the result of your readiness to seize the moment.

I have had fights with bosses, been upset at performance reviews, been passed over for promotions, worked many nights, weekends and holidays!

Paige Arnof-Fenn, Founder & CEO of Mavens & Moguls, smiles when she shares her journey of building a successful global branding and digital marketing firm:

"I always laugh when people ask me if I have always been lucky or how I became an overnight sensation.

I smile and respond that I have worked my butt off for 25+ years! There is no shortcut to success. There is no manual or playbook either. I have all the war wounds and scars from years of stumbling, falling, getting up, and trying again until I make it work. I do not believe in failure, I think you just get smarter each time until it works.

I have had fights with bosses, been upset at performance reviews, been passed over for promotions, worked many nights, weekends and holidays! That is how you become a success, luck is great but you need more than luck to make it happen over an entire career. I commuted 56 miles each way to work for more than 3 years, worked thousands of miles away from my husband for a big job for almost a year, I worked 80+ hours per week on Wall Street in the 80s and at 3 successful startups in the 90s and early 2000s.

That was not luck, it was a lot of hard work over years of my career. You make your luck."

For Paige, luck may influence the path, but it’s hard work that ensures you stay on that path, no matter how the winds of fortune may shift.

Similarly, Ketan Dattani, CEO of Buckingham Futures, highlights the significance of hard work. “While hard work is often cited as a key driver of success, the role of luck should not be underestimated,” he says. Ketan underscores that hard work lays the foundation, enabling business owners to identify and seize opportunities when they arise. He adds that luck can play a role, particularly when it comes to timing and market conditions, but without hard work, even the best opportunities can be missed.

one day, an opportunity arises—a high-profile client, a sudden shift in the media landscape—and because you’re prepared, you can turn that opportunity into a major success.

These leaders understand that preparation is more than just being ready; it’s about consistently building your skills, knowledge, and connections. When the right opportunity comes along, you’ll be in the perfect position to make the most of it. And that’s where luck truly happens—when opportunity meets preparation.

How to Spot and Grab Opportunities

So, what happens when your hard work and readiness finally meet the right opportunity? That’s when the magic of "luck" happens. But as we’ve seen, it’s not really magic—it’s the natural outcome of being prepared and staying alert for the right moment. The more prepared you are, the more opportunities you’ll see, and the better you’ll be at making the most of them.

Checking cards during a game of poker - Luck is Where Opportunity Meets Preparation

Rob Koenen, who has held leadership roles at companies like Boxed Water and in the fashion footwear and consumer packaged goods (CPG) industries, puts it succinctly: “I think it was Thomas Edison who said ‘genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.’ Emphasizing the importance of hard work. That translates for success too. However, in today’s world, success comes from coordinated teamwork so the perspiration, or hard work, isn’t yours alone. We need to divide the perspiration into 50% yours and 50% from your team.”

Rob’s experience shows that success isn’t just about individual effort but also about leading and inspiring a team to work together toward a common goal. By setting a solid example and creating a culture of persistence and performance, you create the conditions where luck can thrive, as a motivated, talented team is often where lucky breaks are made.

As a leader, you have to show your team how to keep pushing forward, even when things are tough,” he says. By working together and staying focused, you and your team can create your own luck

Mark Emond, Founder & CEO of Demand Spring, shares his personal journey of blending hard work with the influence of luck. “I am a big believer in the quote 'everything you want in life is on the other side of hard,'” Mark says. He acknowledges that while his success is the result of relentless grinding, resilience, and learning from mistakes, luck also plays a role. Mark considers himself fortunate to have been born and raised in an environment that offered opportunity and freedom. However, he firmly believes that the harder you work, the more you position yourself for those moments when "lady luck" comes your way.

Breanna Walther, President & Founder of Suden PR, also sees success as the product of continuous effort and readiness. “Success isn’t handed out on a silver platter; it’s the result of intentional and persistent effort,” she says. Breanna likens hard work to nurturing a seed—you can’t just plant it and wait; you have to care for it consistently. In business, this means setting clear goals, working diligently toward them, and adapting as needed. For Breanna, while luck might influence the outcome, it’s hard work that creates the conditions for success to take root and thrive.

When preparation meets opportunity, it can feel like luck is on your side. But as these leaders demonstrate, it’s less about chance and more about making your own luck through consistent effort and teamwork.

When Preparation Meets Opportunity

So, what happens when your hard work and readiness finally meet the right opportunity? That’s where the magic of "luck" happens. But as we’ve seen, it’s not really magic—it’s the natural outcome of being prepared and staying alert for the right moment. The more prepared you are, the more opportunities you’ll see, and the better you’ll be at making the most of them.

Rob Koenen, Former CRO of Boxed Water and a leader in fashion footwear and consumer packaged goods (CPG), shares his perspective: “I think it was Thomas Edison who said, ‘Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.’ In my experience, luck is much the same. You have to put in the work, and when the right opportunity comes along, you’re ready to take it and run with it.” Rob’s experience in multiple industries shows that success often comes down to being prepared for that 1% moment of opportunity.

Breanna Walther, President & Founder of Suden PR, echoes this sentiment. “Luck and preparation go hand in hand,” she says. “In public relations, you can spend years building relationships and honing your message. Then, one day, an opportunity arises—a high-profile client, a sudden shift in the media landscape—and because you’re prepared, you can turn that opportunity into a major success.” Breanna’s insight into the PR world highlights how preparation allows you to capitalize on opportunities that might seem like lucky breaks to others.

This idea is also reinforced by Matt Kovacs from Blaze PR, who emphasizes that “whether it’s launching a new product or navigating a crisis, being prepared means you can act quickly and decisively. That’s when people say you got ‘lucky,’ but the truth is, you were just ready for it.” Matt’s experience shows that luck often looks like fast action, but it’s really the result of careful preparation.

What to Do When Your Luck Doesn’t Seem to Be In

We all have those days—or even months—when it feels like no matter how hard we work, things just aren’t going our way. It can be frustrating when you’re putting in the effort, but the big break you’re hoping for just doesn’t happen. But here’s the thing: even when luck seems out of reach, the work you’re doing still matters.

Jeff Wells, Chief Visionary Officer at Metrc, has some advice for these tough times. “Hard work, preparation, and attention to detail are required; otherwise, opportunity can be missed and/or not recognized when it comes,” he says. In other words, even if it feels like luck isn’t on your side right now, don’t stop preparing and paying attention. Your hard work will pay off when that chance finally comes along—you just need to be ready for it.

A cassette tape with a lucky label

When things aren’t going your way, it’s important to focus on what you can control. Breanna Walther, President & Founder of Suden PR, compares success to growing a plant. “Just like a plant needs water, sunlight, and care, your business needs constant effort and attention to grow,” she explains. Even if you don’t see results right away, keep nurturing your work—it will pay off in the long run.

Rob Koenen also believes in the power of teamwork, especially when luck seems out of reach. “As a leader, you have to show your team how to keep pushing forward, even when things are tough,” he says. By working together and staying focused, you and your team can create your own luck and make things happen.

Finally, it’s important to remember that success often comes from a mix of hard work and timing. Mark Emond points out, “The harder you work, the more you put yourself in position for lady luck to go your way.” Even when things aren’t going perfectly, your effort is setting you up for future opportunities.

So, when your luck doesn’t seem to be in, don’t give up. Keep working hard, stay prepared, and trust that your efforts will pay off. The key is to keep moving forward, knowing that when the right opportunity comes, you’ll be ready to grab it.


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