Chloe Fox, Founder & Director Veritas (Level Up Marketing)

Chloe Fox speaks to The Industry Leaders about her work and what she's learned on her entrepreneurial journey.
What's Your Story?
I'm the Friendly Neighbourhood Socials Specialist!
I started my journey posting marketing tips to LinkedIn and building a following by sharing the highs AND lows of entrepreneurship; lifting the veil behind what it takes to build an agency.
I founded Veritas in 2019 at the start of the pandemic and at the same time I started posting content. I've built the agency to five team members, 10+ agency clients and an audience of 16k people! I did it all by sharing the honest and frank tales of a creative woman in STEM who wanted to show other STEM and SaaS companies how to share their story online and build a brand community, whilst increasing online representation of these industries to empower the next generation of curious minds.
So I'm simply a curious creative with a passion for STEM, building an agency that's lifting the veil on industries that are 'too boring' for social media, and encouraging them to get online and show the next generation just how exciting these industries can be.
You can travel back in time to Day 1 of your business or career - what advice would you give to younger-you, knowing what you know now?
I went through hobbies like pairs of socks when I was younger. I was always eager to try new things, but could never stick to them because I wanted to be perfect from the get-go. I hated that I couldn't just be the best straight away. I guess I was a bit of a perfectionist.
It took me 24 years, 2 failed businesses, and a pandemic to hone the art of perseverance. I needed to learn to accept failure as part of the process and embrace the ups and downs of learning.
Had I known then just how much potential I had, which only required a bit of perseverance, I might have been a tumbling, bi-lingual, pianist/martial art champion!
What one book or podcast changed your life?
It's not a famous CEO's book of tricks, or the next bestseller on leadership, but a book that truly changed my life and outlook is one that follows the journey of a top heart surgeon as he explores his most complicated cases and comes to terms with his own perception of life and death.
'Fragile Lives' by Dr Stephen Westaby helped me to understand how precious life is, and how important it is to live it while you can. It helped me to come to terms with my existential views and fear of dying before I've lived, and strive to find a purpose and sense of fulfillment in life. I believe reading the tales of life and death, and understanding this journey from the perspective of doctors and patients has helped me to be a better leader, empath, and entrepreneur.
My outlook on life and business improved massively since reading the book and helped me to focus on the journey to self-actualization; embracing all of the bad bits of life which make it so much more worthwhile.
I highly recommend others read it whenever I'm asked!
Editor's note: Read about the journeys of other influential women in business we've interviewed, like Nancy Duarte, Imogen Cowell, and Kara Goldin.